- 色彩介紹
2025-2026 Water / Solvent-based Universal Catalog
- 料號:YS-LI-25
- 售價:$300
- 1. The actual charge of catalogue may not equal to USD 300 due to currency convert. 2. Please notify us your order number on "Ship form" after making payment. 3. The price includes air delivery fare.
商品詳細介紹Product Introduction
2025-2026 Water / Solvent-based Universal Catalog
- Add 115 new colors
- Add 9 new color series
- Total of 66 color series
- Total of 763 colors
Currency price of this product is US Dollars, VAT excluded.
商品備註說明Product Remark
Start for sale on March 2025
商品注意事項Product Notes